in few numbers
Of our data stocked in sustainable hostings
Of renewable electricity in our office
Tons of CO2 emissions in 2020
Lines of commitment to reduce our impact
Trees planted in France by the end of 2021
Corporate Social Responsibility
Did you know ?
Greenhouse gases produced by the digital industry represent 4% of the global amount. It’s as much as the global airline traffic !
With the generalisation of electronic devices among the population and the diversification of use (connected objects), this share could reach 8% by 2025 if we do not address the problem.
We came naturally to the conclusion that, as a digital agency, we need to act.
1st Step : Our analysis and measurement
By its very nature, the quantification of greenhouse gases involves numerous approximations, especially in the digital sector as studies about its environmental impact are still ongoing.
Nevertheless, this study does have a use as it gives us an estimation of our impact and especially allows us to guide our actions to the biggest sources of emissions.
So, after working on this analysis and quantification on scopes 1, 2 and 3 of the carbon balance, we lend on a total of 17,39 tons during 2020, the equivalent of the yearly emissions of 1 and a half French.
1st Step : Our analysis and measurement
By its very nature, the quantification of greenhouse gases involves numerous approximations, especially in the digital sector as studies about its environmental impact are still ongoing.
Nevertheless, this study does have a use as it gives us an estimation of our impact and especially allows us to guide our actions to the biggest sources of emissions.
So, after working on this analysis and quantification on scopes 1, 2 and 3 of the carbon balance, we lend on a total of 17,39 tons during 2020, the equivalent of the yearly emissions of 1 and a half French.
2nd Step : Reduce our impact
Once the sources of emissions and lines of improvement have been identified, only remains the development of an action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and more…

Our digital solutions
The eco-design consists in integrating environnemental criterias to the conception of the product or service, and during the whole product lifecycle. That is what we aim to do for our digital solutions.
About our websites, our Webmasters lighten the sites and simplify the processes in order to limit their environmental impact. Since the launch of our actions, we offer a much sober and therefore less polluting theme to all our clients.
Concerning our applications, they are going to benefit from an ecodesign diagnosis to target the different areas of improvement.
Our environmental commitment serves the quality of our products as ecology and performance are inherently linked when it comes to the digital field. So, what is good for your practice is also good for the planet !

Our purchases
We like to think of our activity as a whole where numerous stakeholders intervene, that’s why we have to put in place sustainable procurement policy.
Therefore, after the realisation of a cartography and an analysis of the stakeholders, we decided, for some of them especially our hostings, to turn to more eco-friendly partners.
Electronic devices concentrate the biggest part of emissions in the digital field. Our objective ?
To reduce their number : every co-worker uses a professional laptop for security purposes but uses their own cell phone in order to avoid duplicates.
To make them last the longest : thanks to a regular maintenance and the awareness of our co-workers
To think about their end of life : different solutions exist in order to give old devices a second life (reconditioning, donations to schools, recycling,...)

Our internal processes
One of our biggest sources of emissions is business travel. Indeed, since we have the objective to internationalize our activity, some trips by plane are necessary. However, for every trip, “soft” modes of transportation are favoured if it can be done within an acceptable period of time (four hours or less).
We raise awareness among our co-workers on many subjects such as electric consumption, water consumption or other digital eco-friendly behaviour.
We also have put in place a policy to reduce our waste and improve our recycling system including by raising awareness.
All of our co-workers come to the office with public transportation when sanitary conditions allow it.
2nd Step : Reduce our impact
Once the sources of emissions and lines of improvement have been identified, only remains the development of an action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and more…

Our digital solutions
The eco-design consists in integrating environnemental criterias to the conception of the product or service, and during the whole product lifecycle. That is what we aim to do for our digital solutions.
About our websites, our Webmasters lighten the sites and simplify the processes in order to limit their environmental impact. Since the launch of our actions, we offer a much sober and therefore less polluting theme to all our clients.
Concerning our applications, they are going to benefit from an ecodesign diagnosis to target the different areas of improvement.
Our environmental commitment serves the quality of our products as ecology and performance are inherently linked when it comes to the digital field. So, what is good for your practice is also good for the planet !

Our purchases
We like to think of our activity as a whole where numerous stakeholders intervene, that’s why we have to put in place sustainable procurement policy.
Therefore, after the realisation of a cartography and an analysis of the stakeholders, we decided, for some of them especially our hostings, to turn to more eco-friendly partners.
Electronic devices concentrate the biggest part of emissions in the digital field. Our objective ?
To reduce their number : every co-worker uses a professional laptop for security purposes but uses their own cell phone in order to avoid duplicates.
To make them last the longest : thanks to a regular maintenance and the awareness of our co-workers
To think about their end of life : different solutions exist in order to give old devices a second life (reconditioning, donations to schools, recycling,...)

Our internal processes
One of our biggest sources of emissions is business travel. Indeed, since we have the objective to internationalize our activity, some trips by plane are necessary. However, for every trip, “soft” modes of transportation are favoured if it can be done within an acceptable period of time (four hours or less).
We raise awareness among our co-workers on many subjects such as electric consumption, water consumption or other digital eco-friendly behaviour.
We also have put in place a policy to reduce our waste and improve our recycling system including by raising awareness.
All of our co-workers come to the office with public transportation when sanitary conditions allow it.
3rd step : Caption the residual emissions
But what is the carbon caption exactly ?
Despite all our efforts, it is impossible for us to come back to 0 emissions. That is why this concept has been created. In order to come close to a global carbon neutrality and stop climate change, companies and organisms can invest in projects of creation of carbon sinks that will absorb our excess emissions of greenhouse gases.
We have decided to begin this journey with our new partner EcoTree. Their mission ? Working on the renewal and the sustainable management of the french forest, on the preservation and valorisation of its biodiversity and on the recognition of all its multifonctionalities, among which the carbon caption. The forest is indeed the second largest carbon sink of the planet after the oceans. During their whole life, trees draw carbon from the atmosphere, stock it and then release oxygen in the air. With their sustainable, concrete and tangible management, Ecotree contributes to the valorisation of this ecological function of the forest.
Their projects and their vision of the world have convinced us, that is why by the end of 2021, we will be the owners of 580 sessile trees located in a forest of Mayenne (a French department) to participate in the preservation of the French forest heritage.
Our commitment with EcoTree does not stop here ! Since the trees are not the only element to protect within forests, we have decided to support EcoTree’s project to restore a wetland in the Morbihan. This project will allow the development of the biodiversity (especially birds) and the preservation of an area which became rare since de 60s. For more details, please visit their page dedicated to the subject here.
3rd step : Caption the residual emissions
But what is the carbon caption exactly ?
Despite all our efforts, it is impossible for us to come back to 0 emissions. That is why this concept has been created. In order to come close to a global carbon neutrality and stop climate change, companies and organisms can invest in projects of creation of carbon sinks that will absorb our excess emissions of greenhouse gases.
We have decided to begin this journey with our new partner EcoTree. Their mission ? Working on the renewal and the sustainable management of the french forest, on the preservation and valorisation of its biodiversity and on the recognition of all its multifonctionalities, among which the carbon caption. The forest is indeed the second largest carbon sink of the planet after the oceans. During their whole life, trees draw carbon from the atmosphere, stock it and then release oxygen in the air. With their sustainable, concrete and tangible management, Ecotree contributes to the valorisation of this ecological function of the forest.
Their projects and their vision of the world have convinced us, that is why by the end of 2021, we will be the owners of 580 sessile trees located in a forest of Mayenne (a French department) to participate in the preservation of the French forest heritage.
Our commitment with EcoTree does not stop here ! Since the trees are not the only element to protect within forests, we have decided to support EcoTree’s project to restore a wetland in the Morbihan. This project will allow the development of the biodiversity (especially birds) and the preservation of an area which became rare since de 60s. For more details, please visit their page dedicated to the subject here.
After all that, what is left to do ?
We stay proactive by getting involved with different agents.
The world moves fast, but so do we ! instead of being left behind, we would rather contribute to the movement. To do so, we are committing to health, digital and environmental organisms.

In order to participate even more to the fight against climate change, Substances Actives became a shareholder of Time for the Planet. This nonprofit company wishes to raise one billion euros to invest in innovation for the environment. Discover them, and if you are as convinced as we are, support them !

Alongside our partner for years, the UFSBD, we take part in oral prevention thanks to our Visual Activ videos. Those are reviewed and validated to better create awareness to the 150 000 to 200 000 patients who go through your waiting rooms each month.

For us innovation is essential, that is why we are committed to several digital agents, as “France Digitale” who wishes to develop the european tech competitive cluster while including environmental and social criterias. We also take part in the movement “Engagé pour la e-santé”, launched by the Health Ministry in order to modernise the digital infrastructures of our health system. Finally, we are a signatory of Planet Tech Care which keeps us informed about the latest sustainable digital discoveries that we can share to our co-workers leading to a deeper and more effective action.

At last, our commitment does not only caracterise itself by external action but also internal ones. In order to allow our co-workers to gather around common values of share, compassion and ethics, each one of them is included in the decision process by suggesting and/or voting for the action that speaks best to them. Therefore, each year, Substances Actives will finance or assist an association/ nonprofit organization according to our colleagues' choice.